读后感《The three little pigs》

The three little pigs is a good story for us. It’s fun, too.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The mother pig has three little pigs. The first one is lazy. The second one has some bad habits. The third one is clever and diligent. They all have their own house. The first pig has a small cottage. The second pig has a log cabin. The third pig has a big brick house. One day, a big wolf comes to the first pig’s house and blows it down. Then the first pig runs to the second pig’s house. The big wolf pushes the house down and chases these two little pigs. They run to the third pig’s house. The big wolf blows and blows, pushes and pushes. The brick house is not broken. The wolf wants to go in the house from the chimney. But the third little pig puts a pot under the chimney and boils some water. The wolf falls into the pot and dies. From then on, the first and the second pigs are diligent.

I think everyone should be diligent like the third pig, because it can bring us heath and wisdom. I will be a diligent girl. I will learn from the third pig. I will study hard and work hard.


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